
FoAM's network is an abundant source of trans-disciplinary and multicultural nodes - individuals, collectives, other networks. Among our collaborators and friends, we share a rich source of knowledge and experience, most of which is publicly available in different forms. Practitioners of all colours and specialisations have access to our distributed consultancy. We can provide the consults online, or in our studios, depending on the particular needs of the advice-seekers.

For people who prefer finding things out on their own, FoAM has a library and a documentation centre. Both online and on-site, researchers can dig through a wealth of information, collected over the years of research and production. For the more sensorially oriented, FoAM offers a collection of materials and media, that can be touched, viewed and listened to, in the quiet library of our studio in Brussels. All of these resources focus on providing our peers with the necessary information, time, space and people, which are needed to advance their practice and strengthen the community as a whole.