The Libarynth

The ever-growing Libarynth is exactly what its name implies – a hybrid between a library and a labyrinth, a maze of pages in various stages of completion. FoAM's collaborators and friends use the Libarynth as their research diary, sketch-book, or activity log. Some pages are valuable references, on a variety of topics; from visual programming, to inflatables and even vegetarian-friendly restaurants around the world. Others are fully-fledged research reports, or concept documents. Many of the pages are in development, containing a few links and a couple of short notes, inviting interested wiki-gnomes to complete them. Some sections of the Libaryth are well structured, others are overgrown and forgotten. For weeks it could be quiet on the Libarynth, with sudden bursts of activity when several people work on a joint project, or one person spends a substantial amount of time updating pages, during a research residency. It is messy and unkempt, but we like it that way. It is a living archive of FoAM's interests and activities, continually changing and expanding. For novice users, it can be overwhelming, so we advise extreme caution when first treading into the Libarynth. You can easily get lost, stumble upon many dead ends, but also find surprising treasures...