
The Hub Bruxel Co-creation meeting

2008-10-20 18:30 Europe/Brussels
2008-10-20 21:30 Europe/Brussels

FoAM is hosting a Co-creation meeting organised by The Hub Bruxel...

Dear friends of the Hub,

We invite you for an evening of open space for meaningful conversations at our next Co-creation meeting, Monday October 20, 18.30 - 21.30.

Dialogue on Arts, Culture and Climate Change

2008-10-09 09:00 GMT+6
2008-10-12 20:00 GMT+6

The Dialogue on Art, Culture & Climate Change is an investigation into the role of culture and the arts in the cross-cultural dialogue on climate change between and in Asia and Europe. The project gathers 50 Asian and European artists, designers, architects, cultural practitioners, environmentalists and scientists.

Maggie Buxton will be representing FoAM as one of the event's facilitators.

More information: http://www.culture360.org/artandclimatechange/

On women & leadership

2008-09-16 18:30 Europe/Brussels
2008-09-16 20:00 Europe/Brussels

FoAM is hosting a meeting of the Solvay Women's Network, where Maja Kuzmanovic will present FoAM's approach to leadership, as well as a summary of the 'Leadership and policy for the 21st century' course of Harvard's Kennedy School & the Young Global Leaders forum.

The Hub Bruxel - Social Entrepreneurship

2008-09-25 19:00 Europe/Brussels
2008-09-26 00:00 Europe/Brussels

FoAM is hosting a networking dinner on social entrepreneurship in Belgium and Europe, organised by The Hub Bruxel.

Please note this event is by Invitation only, and is now full.

Innovation 100

2008-09-03 08:00 US/Pacific
2008-09-04 14:00 US/Pacific

A Summit organised by the World Economic Forum, bringing together 100 participants from civil society, business, policy and academia to discuss how the relationships between the environments, ideas and people can bring forth visionary, as well as sustainable innovation - locally & globally.

On scent, taste and other senses at FoAM

2008-08-14 15:00 Asia/Tokyo
2008-08-14 16:00 Asia/Tokyo

Presentations by Maki Ueda, Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney

Giants in Conversation

2008-08-07 19:00 Singapore
2008-08-07 21:30 Singapore

FoAM presentation and mini-workshop on 'Creative Innovation' in collaboration with the Social Innovation Park in Singapore.

Moderated by Penny Low

Astronauts in the Jeruzalem Church

2008-06-21 11:00 Europe/Amsterdam
2008-06-21 12:15 Europe/Amsterdam

On the longest day of the year two astronauts land in Amsterdam-West. They do a warm-up jog on the square before going into the Jerusalem Church where they get fitted into their suits.

According to palaeontologysts the first objects to be vererated were meteorites, and the metal in them. Later this was extended to monoliths, which were used as burial stones or judgementstones. In time this would also include stone statues, ivory or wooden statues, and long after that all kinds of religious relics and works of art. But it started apparently with astroliths.

Mission to the Moon

2008-05-10 16:00 Europe/Amsterdam
2008-05-18 18:00 Europe/Amsterdam

A re-enactment of the Apollo 11 mission of 1969. Foamlab not only recycles this icon of technological confidence, but also the materials used to build it. At the exhibition 'Kunstvlaai / Art Pie International', two brave astronauts; Elias Tieleman and Johannes Sterk, can be seen jogging around in preparation for their mission. They exit the Lander accompanied by the original sound recordings from the Moon landing in '69, for general exploration of the lunar-surface, setting-up lunar camera's, collecting stone samples and planting the flag.

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007

2007-01-24 00:00 GMT+2
2007-01-27 00:00 GMT+2

Stories within stories, presentation for the story-telling panel discussion with Paulo Coelho, John Osbourn, Gordon Crovitz, Robert Polet and Orville Shell.


the Blob, playspace for children

2007-02-25 14:00 Europe/Brussels
2007-02-25 18:00 Europe/Brussels

Disco Kids, a playful afternoon for children and their parents, with music, movies and endless bouncing on the blob.

In collaboration with Lowdjo.

In human format

2007-05-11 21:00 Canada/Eastern
2007-05-11 22:00 Canada/Eastern

Performance by Bent Object, with visuals by FoAM at Elektra Festival.

Hands-on Change

2007-07-08 20:00 Europe/Amsterdam
2007-07-08 23:00 Europe/Amsterdam

Hands-on Change. An evening of discussions and presentations by Suprabha Seshan, Maja Kuzmanovic, Maria Blaisse and Cocky Eek. Hosted by Shibumi Friends International.

Deep in the forest beside a muddy little path stands a colorful sign which says 'Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary'.

Final Call Supercrew

2007-07-21 00:00 GMT-7

Screening of In Human Format DVD by Bent Object and FoAM at the Portland Art Center.

YGL Summit

2007-09-04 00:00 GMT+8
2007-09-08 00:00 GMT+8

Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney have joined the Young Global Leaders for their yearly summit in Dalian, China. As members of the environmental and diversity task forces, they will present FoAM's 'green' initiatives, as well as get to know, analyse and forecast critical economic and social currents.