
AEGIS Residency Programme

AEGIS: Asia-Europe Generalists in Sojourn
- A trans-local residency programme

The residency programme focuses on encouraging collaborations between creative practitioners and cultural organisations from Asia & Europe, who address global cultural issues (such as adapting to climate change, loss of biodiversity, energy security, etc.) from a transdisciplinary perspective. We particularly focus on supporting young generalists (people able to connect disciplines, such as art & science, ecology & technology) working on creating a holistic and resilient global culture.

Family in Residence: Davies - Crosby - Davies

In 2010 FoAM expanded the residency programme to include people of all ages. The first experiment was having a "Family in Residence" (FIR), welcoming Alex Davies, Alexandra Crosby and their young son Luka Davies for a three month long residency at FoAM in Brussels. The experience was extremely positive and we concluded that it is an experiment worth continuing.

Research residencies

As a part of FoAM’s research programme, we offer yearly residencies to artists, designers and researchers, whose interests, or methods fall in-between the gaps of academic research programmes. The residencies are meant for artists who are able to work independently, while being open to suggestions from their peers. Our motivation for this programme came from a perceived need of artists and designers for concentrated research and experimentation, without the pressures of production.