The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

2005-10-06 19:30 GMT
2005-10-06 21:00 GMT

The world of theoretical Physics was brightened-up by the charming genius of safecracker, drummer, womaniser and Nobel-prise winner Richard Feynman. In an interview with BBC Horizon Feynman explains eloquently how scientific knowledge enriches his perception of beauty and convincingly dismantles the notion of ‘Entzauberung’ as caused by science. This meeting at Foamlab concentrates on the intricacies of creative processes.

The discussion follows a path through subjects like: creation as a phenomenon in exact and social sciences, creativity and teaching, tensions between ones research and ones social responsibilities, the power of imagination for creative activities. A highlight of the evening is the animation ‘A is for Atom’ in which a radioactive nucleus is depicted as an excited little dancing chap, twirling and swinging out of bed and out of his little house in the periodic table of elements.