Splinterfields: Mathematickal Arts

2011-07-23 10:00 GMT+2
2011-07-25 19:00 GMT+2

What: Mathematics, Textiles & Computer Programming workshop
When: 23rd - 25th of July 2011
Where: FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Brussels, Belgium

Mathematician & machine artist Tim Boykett (Time's Up, AT) and textile designer & educator Carole Collet (Central Saint Martin's, UK) will lead a 3 day workshop bringing together The Arts of Mathematics, Textiles and Computer Programming.

Mathematickal Arts workshop investigates the tangible, abstract and conceptual threads binding materials and machines in a series of practical and theoretical experiments. Participants will use knots, weaving, sorting algorithms, notation and geometry to explore unfamiliar territories of mathematics or crafts using familiar practices of artistic and technological experimentation.

"To me the simple act of tying a knot is an adventure in unlimited space. A bit of string affords the dimensional latitude that is unique among the entities [...] another dimension is added which provides an opportunity that is limited only by the scope of our own imagery and the length of a ropemakers coil."
--Clifford W Ashley, The Book of Knots.

In progress: http://lib.fo.am/mathematickal_arts_2011

This workshop is a part of Resilients (http://x4.fo.am/resilients) and Splinterfields (http://x4.fo.am/splinterfields)

With the support of the Culture Programme (2007 - 2013) of the European Union and the Flemish Authorities.