

Haplotype Networks and Minimum Spanning Networks are commonly used for representing associations between sequences. HapStar is a tool for viewing both types of networks, and is designed to directly use the output data generated from Arlequin. HapStar is unique in that it automatically lays out the network for optimal visualisation, and provides the option to calculate a Minimum Spanning Network from a list of alternative connections. HapStar provides a user-friendly interface, and publication-ready figures can be exported simply.


HapStar works on Windows, Linux or OSX and requires python to be installed on your computer - which you can find here.

Download the current version:

To run, simply extract the zip or tar archive and double click on "hapstar.py". Under OSX operating systems, ctrl click and select "open with" and choose "python launcher".

Source Code

HapStar is released under the GPLv3 licence. The source is availible in the FoAM git repository.


Teacher AGF. Griffiths DJ (2010) HapStar: automated haplotype network layout and visualization. Molecular Ecology Resources, online.

The pre-print version is available here.

Funding: European Union FP7 ERA-NET program, BiodivERsA