
« Wednesday June 15, 2011 »
Start: 19:30
End: 19:30

Immanentia @ Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities exhibition, in MAD (museum of arts and design ) in N.Y.
June 7 - September 18, 2011

Performing Pictures and FoAM – once again have been invited to be part of exhibition, and this time - as part of the worlds of "magic realism" of Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities at the MAD museum in N.Y.

Virtual reality has been a powerful factor in shaping our social and artistic environment since the 1970s.

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FoAM hosts a workshop to become a facilitator in the The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method.

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is an amazing and very powerful way for co-creation, proto-typing and unlocking the full potential of any organisation. It helps diverse groups of people engage in creative way with and develop innovative solutions to complex issues.

In collaboration with Per Kristiansen, one of the original developers of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, we are offering a facilitator training in Brussels in two open programs, both lasting two days: Stage 1 and Stage 2.