
« Monday January 17, 2011 »
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End: 00:00

Concentrations and Temporary photoElectric Digestopians - Tuesday, 18th of January 2011:
The FoAM team works on the impact of a possible disaster scenario, where getting enough nutrients requires resilient practices. During the last wars or other economically stressful situations, many governments paid scientists to come up with highly concentrated products to remedy certain nutrition deficits and to provide energy to the body.
For Burning Ice, FoAM will prepare a vegetable concentrate, in the course of an entire day. The product, rich in anti-oxydants will be

Start: 19:30
End: 22:00

First Meetup on Augmented Ecology
FoAM Amsterdam is initiating the Institute for Augmented Ecology (IforAE). This is a continuation of the work on Boskoi (an Android mobile foraging application, which is in development).

IforAE aims to function as a platform for discussion about media hooking onto the ecosphere and to find out what Augmented Ecology actually could be before it actually gets to be defined and/or narrowed down by convention.

more info at