
Friday January 16, 2009
Start: 20:20
End: 23:20

Maja Kuzmanovic will present Luminous Green and related ideas at the Pecha Kucha Night:

Thursday January 22, 2009
Start: 19:00

Rethinking Food #2

FoAM, a cross-disciplinary, trans-local laboratory and the artist Kate Rich complicate the equation of food miles. This meal is prepared with products and ingredients freighted in from around the globe, in the spare luggage space of social and cultural travellers.

Feral Trade is a grocery business trading outside commercial systems. Goods hitchhike on other sources of movement, often using the art world as an energy source, harnessing the surplus freight potential of the many journeys logged by artists, curators and audiences to move grocery items intercity.

Saturday January 24, 2009
Start: 20:00

At the Burning Ice festival: Re-thinking the Future'
Two of FoAM's researchers in residence will talk about their climate related work.

Bartaku will present PhoEf in the form of a mini-workshop and a talk.

Angelo Vermeulen will present his project Biomodd in the evening.