
« November 17, 2008 - December 17, 2008 »
11 / 17
11 / 18
11 / 19
11 / 20
11 / 21
11 / 22
Start: 18:00
End: 23:00

FoAM and the Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators invite you to a synaesthetic dinner, to jointly sample, celebrate and debate the future of food.

Food is a nutritious and delectable product of our reciprocal, sustaining relationship with the environment. It is also one of the oldest cultural expressions, rooted in hospitality and sharing. As the gastronome Brilliat-Savarin noted three centuries ago, “the discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.”

11 / 23
11 / 24
11 / 25
11 / 26
11 / 27
11 / 28
Start: 17:00
End: 19:00

Research Gathering November 2008

Demos & discussions about botanical visualisation & plant games. Accompanied by a spread of edible botany.

With FoAM & Tale of Tales

This research gathering is a part of the Cimatics festival:

11 / 29
11 / 30
12 / 1
12 / 2
12 / 3
12 / 4
12 / 5
12 / 6
Start: 12:00
Start: 2008-12-06 12:00
End: 2008-12-07 00:00

Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic will participate in the Real Code experiment at the Piksel Festival. As a part of FoAM's series of Future prehearsals (inspired by ex-yu "Nothing Can Surprise Us" drills), they will conduct various experiments with food, flavours and expectations, in an environment filled with machinery and software, with little access to organic ingredients.

12 / 7
End: 00:00
Start: 2008-12-06 12:00
End: 2008-12-07 00:00

Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic will participate in the Real Code experiment at the Piksel Festival. As a part of FoAM's series of Future prehearsals (inspired by ex-yu "Nothing Can Surprise Us" drills), they will conduct various experiments with food, flavours and expectations, in an environment filled with machinery and software, with little access to organic ingredients.

12 / 8
12 / 9
12 / 10
12 / 11
12 / 12
12 / 13
Start: 10:45
End: 12:00

Bart Vandeput is representing FoAM as the Provocateur of the City Space and The Every Day session of 48 degrees Celsius, Symposium on public space, art and ecology:

12 / 14
12 / 15
12 / 16
12 / 17