
« November 15, 2008 - December 15, 2008 »
11 / 15
Start: 15:00
End: 18:00

Semiotics of the Kitchen Radio (Verbindingen/Jonctions 11.4)
by Constant

Saturday November 15, 15:00 (doors open: 14:30)
FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34 Brussels and on-line

With Martha Rosler’s classic performative alphabet 'Semiotics of the Kitchen' as a point of departure, Constants' design collective Open Source Publishing (OSP) presents a live radio broadcast from the FoAM kitchen. Experimenting with the displacement of multi sensory experiences, they reflect on the preparation and distribution of food as metaphor, structure, vocabulary and rhythm.

11 / 16
Start: 14:00
End: 17:00

Edible Perfume is a hands-on workshop on extracting and composing aromas & flavours, inspired by the concept of flavour pairing.

The workshop is led by Maki Ueda (, assisted by Nik Gaffney (FoAM).

A natural smell is often extracted from a material using chemistry techniques for retrieving essential oils, such as distillation, ethanol extraction, or oil maceration. In the Edible Perfume workshop, these techniques will be adopted in the kitchen.

Start: 17:00
End: 19:00

Kate Rich will introduce Feral Trade (, serve ferally traded tea & coffee & conduct a raffle of the Feral Trade Hamper, a seasonal selection of goods sourced and transported over social networks.

11 / 17
11 / 18
11 / 19
11 / 20
11 / 21
11 / 22
Start: 18:00
End: 23:00

FoAM and the Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators invite you to a synaesthetic dinner, to jointly sample, celebrate and debate the future of food.

Food is a nutritious and delectable product of our reciprocal, sustaining relationship with the environment. It is also one of the oldest cultural expressions, rooted in hospitality and sharing. As the gastronome Brilliat-Savarin noted three centuries ago, “the discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.”

11 / 23
11 / 24
11 / 25
11 / 26
11 / 27
11 / 28
Start: 17:00
End: 19:00

Research Gathering November 2008

Demos & discussions about botanical visualisation & plant games. Accompanied by a spread of edible botany.

With FoAM & Tale of Tales

This research gathering is a part of the Cimatics festival:

11 / 29
11 / 30
12 / 1
12 / 2
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12 / 4
12 / 5
12 / 6
Start: 12:00
Start: 2008-12-06 12:00
End: 2008-12-07 00:00

Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic will participate in the Real Code experiment at the Piksel Festival. As a part of FoAM's series of Future prehearsals (inspired by ex-yu "Nothing Can Surprise Us" drills), they will conduct various experiments with food, flavours and expectations, in an environment filled with machinery and software, with little access to organic ingredients.

12 / 7
End: 00:00
Start: 2008-12-06 12:00
End: 2008-12-07 00:00

Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic will participate in the Real Code experiment at the Piksel Festival. As a part of FoAM's series of Future prehearsals (inspired by ex-yu "Nothing Can Surprise Us" drills), they will conduct various experiments with food, flavours and expectations, in an environment filled with machinery and software, with little access to organic ingredients.

12 / 8
12 / 9
12 / 10
12 / 11
12 / 12
12 / 13
Start: 10:45
End: 12:00

Bart Vandeput is representing FoAM as the Provocateur of the City Space and The Every Day session of 48 degrees Celsius, Symposium on public space, art and ecology:

12 / 14
12 / 15