
Friday July 4, 2008
Start: 18:30
End: 20:30

PhoEf: The Undisclosed Poésis of the Photovoltaic Effect

With Bartaku

Thursday July 24, 2008
Start: 10:55
Start: 2008-07-24 10:55
End: 2008-07-26 10:55

FoAM presentation at the mini-summit on government support for new media arts.

Friday July 25, 2008
(all day)
Start: 2008-07-24 10:55
End: 2008-07-26 10:55

FoAM presentation at the mini-summit on government support for new media arts.

Start: 18:00
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Saturday July 26, 2008
End: 10:55
Start: 2008-07-24 10:55
End: 2008-07-26 10:55

FoAM presentation at the mini-summit on government support for new media arts.

(all day)
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Sunday July 27, 2008
(all day)
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Monday July 28, 2008
(all day)
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Tuesday July 29, 2008
(all day)
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Wednesday July 30, 2008
End: 18:00
Start: 2008-07-25 18:00
End: 2008-07-30 18:00

Conference participation, including paper presentation "Cursory Speculations on HPI (Human Plant Interaction)" by Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney.

Start: 16:00
End: 18:00

Electronic Arts in Turbulent Weather

The Luminous Green panel is an open discussion forum, in which we will examine the five themes of ISEA2008 under the lens of environmental and social turbulence.