
« June 14, 2008 - July 14, 2008 »
06 / 14
06 / 15
06 / 16
06 / 17
06 / 18
06 / 19
06 / 20
Start: 20:00

At the height of the summer solstice*, we have a couple of exciting things to celebrate at FoAM in Brussels. A few months ago, we moved into a wonderful new space & we'd like to open its doors to our friends on midsummer night. We have also been busily redesigning our website and will launch it sometime during the solstice celebrations at

06 / 21
Start: 11:00
End: 12:15

On the longest day of the year two astronauts land in Amsterdam-West. They do a warm-up jog on the square before going into the Jerusalem Church where they get fitted into their suits.

According to palaeontologysts the first objects to be vererated were meteorites, and the metal in them. Later this was extended to monoliths, which were used as burial stones or judgementstones. In time this would also include stone statues, ivory or wooden statues, and long after that all kinds of religious relics and works of art. But it started apparently with astroliths.

06 / 22
06 / 23
06 / 24
06 / 25
06 / 26
06 / 27
06 / 28
Start: 09:00
Start: 2008-06-28 09:00
End: 2008-06-29 20:00

Narrative Strategies, workshop participation as a part of gRig, 28-29 June, Linz, Austria

06 / 29
End: 20:00
Start: 2008-06-28 09:00
End: 2008-06-29 20:00

Narrative Strategies, workshop participation as a part of gRig, 28-29 June, Linz, Austria

06 / 30
07 / 1
07 / 2
07 / 3
07 / 4
Start: 18:30
End: 20:30

PhoEf: The Undisclosed Poésis of the Photovoltaic Effect

With Bartaku

07 / 5
07 / 6
07 / 7
07 / 8
07 / 9
07 / 10
07 / 11
07 / 12
07 / 13
07 / 14