
Tuesday April 3, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Wednesday April 4, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Thursday April 5, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Friday April 6, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Saturday April 7, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Sunday April 8, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Monday April 9, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Tuesday April 10, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Wednesday April 11, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Thursday April 12, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Friday April 13, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Saturday April 14, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Sunday April 15, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Monday April 16, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Tuesday April 17, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Wednesday April 18, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Thursday April 19, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Friday April 20, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Saturday April 21, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Sunday April 22, 2007
End: 16:26
Start: 2007-04-01 16:26
End: 2007-04-22 16:26

This exhibition by Jan Dietvorst at Foamlab is part of a series named the Solemnities follow the highlights of the Christian calendar.

Tuesday May 1, 2007
Start: 14:00
Start: 2007-05-01 14:00
End: 2007-05-05 17:00

In a time when energy use and electronic waste production should be rapidly decreasing, can media artists comfortably use arsenals of computers and their peripherals in the name of art?

Wednesday May 2, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-05-01 14:00
End: 2007-05-05 17:00

In a time when energy use and electronic waste production should be rapidly decreasing, can media artists comfortably use arsenals of computers and their peripherals in the name of art?

Thursday May 3, 2007
(all day)
Start: 2007-05-01 14:00
End: 2007-05-05 17:00

In a time when energy use and electronic waste production should be rapidly decreasing, can media artists comfortably use arsenals of computers and their peripherals in the name of art?