
Saturday August 23, 2003
Start: 20:00

Swollen from months of breathing hot summer air, FoAM and Code 31 mark the end of the holiday season with a celebration of 'surface tension', the inflatable, the blown-up, the puffed-out and amplified space, contained within (hot-air) baloons, portable pools, inflatable architecture, inflatable clothing, soap bubbles, airy sounds, fizzy drinks, artificial muscles and pneumatic interfaces. The swelling party includes new installations and minute performances fresh from our summer labs, topical nourishment in media and matter, and the kick-start of the autumn season.

Tuesday September 2, 2003
Start: 19:30

Residency of Isabel Rocamora and Camila Valenzuela

A public experiment exploring the convergences of (anti)-gravity performance, movement and media.

'The first corporeal form which some call corporeity is in my opinion light.' - Robert Grosseteste, 'On light or the beginning of forms'

Sunday September 21, 2003
Start: 09:48
Start: 2003-09-21 09:48
End: 2003-09-23 09:48

Excercise 02: syncop tic structure

Monday September 22, 2003
(all day)
Start: 2003-09-21 09:48
End: 2003-09-23 09:48

Excercise 02: syncop tic structure