Autumn Harvest Dinner

2010-10-15 15:00 Europe/Brussels
2010-10-15 22:00 Europe/Brussels

As autumn ripens, nature and its resources are slowly turning inwards, preparing for the seasonal rest.

This is a good time for various works in the city gardens - preparing plants and soil for the winter, harvesting the yield of the year and planning next steps for the coming spring.

As we all share the enthusiasm about growing edible greenery in our surroundings. To celebrate both the plants & their urban cultivators, FoAM and nadine invited urban gardening experts, beginners & enthusiasts alike, to sit around a table, overflowing with autumn goodness, to share experiences, challenges and discoveries.

The Autumn Harvest Dinner is an informal gathering for plant-enthusiasts from the Brussels region. A potlach meal, where everyone brings their harvest - raw or cooked, so we not only share our knowledge but also taste its fruits.

For those so inclined, there is a joint cookup in the afternoon.