FoAM - Resilients en Research Gathering with Simone Poutnik <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-08-11 19:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2011-08-11 21:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <p>Simone is a journeyer of the Resilients Guild. Last year in October / November she spent 7 weeks at Kufunda Learning Village in Zimbabwe - a place whose mission is to inspire the co-creation of strong life affirming communities in Zimbabwe and beyond by demonstrating and sharing the necessary ideas, skills and practices that are required for community resilience and nourishment.</p> <p>Kufunda has achieved resilience in a time of total systems collapse by choosing a particular approach. They engage in a wide range of small local actions that give them the capacity to continuously adapt to an unpredictable and chaotic world.<br /> Simone will share pictures, stories and artifacts to give a taste of the rich learning she took from Kufunda. </p> <p>Some background info for the curious:<br /> on resilients:<br /> <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>on Kufunda:<br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> on Zimbabwe:<br /> <a href="" title=""></a></p> event brussels research gathering Africa Resilients Wed, 03 Aug 2011 09:01:22 +0000 christina 2007 at Splinterfields: Mathematickal Arts <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-07-23 10:00 <span class="tz">GMT+2</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2011-07-25 19:00 <span class="tz">GMT+2</span></div></div> <p>What: Mathematics, Textiles &amp; Computer Programming workshop<br /> When: 23rd - 25th of July 2011<br /> Where: FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Brussels, Belgium</p> <p>Mathematician &amp; machine artist Tim Boykett (Time's Up, AT) and textile designer &amp; educator Carole Collet (Central Saint Martin's, UK) will lead a 3 day workshop bringing together The Arts of Mathematics, Textiles and Computer Programming.</p> <p>Mathematickal Arts workshop investigates the tangible, abstract and conceptual threads binding materials and machines in a series of practical and theoretical experiments. Participants will use knots, weaving, sorting algorithms, notation and geometry to explore unfamiliar territories of mathematics or crafts using familiar practices of artistic and technological experimentation.</p> <p>"To me the simple act of tying a knot is an adventure in unlimited space. A bit of string affords the dimensional latitude that is unique among the entities [...] another dimension is added which provides an opportunity that is limited only by the scope of our own imagery and the length of a ropemakers coil."<br /> --Clifford W Ashley, The Book of Knots.</p> <p>In progress: <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>This workshop is a part of Resilients (<a href="" title=""></a>) and Splinterfields (<a href="" title=""></a>)</p> <p>With the support of the Culture Programme (2007 - 2013) of the European Union and the Flemish Authorities.</p> workshop brussels splinterfields crafts math mathematickal mathematics Resilients science splinterfields Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:59:43 +0000 maja 2005 at Resilients Naikan <p>"Naikan is a method of intensive self-reflection that can lead to more inner freedom and joy. A week of Naikan allows you to examine your view on life by observing your inner world, calmly, in a completely safe space. The silence and withdrawal enable a deep, meditative and emotionally intense experience, by which self-perception can be re-calibrated and a fresh view on our life story can take place."</p> <p>From Christina Stadlbauer's page: <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>At FoAM we will use Naikan in the Future Preparedness case study of the Resilients project. Our hypothesis is that individual introspection, when done with a whole collective, in their common work-space might increase the effectiveness of the group's collaboration, communication and effectiveness, making them overall more resilient. We work with Helga Hartl as the guide during the retreat and Alkan Chipperfield as the anthropologist, who examines our hypothesis post-retreat. Ten Naikan participants come from FoAM Brussels &amp; Amsterdam, as well as our wider network of collaborators.</p> <p><a href="" title=""></a></p> other brussels future preparedness introspection meditation Resilients retreat Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:44:56 +0000 maja 2004 at Rocket Boat Day #1 <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-07-02 00:00 <span class="tz">GMT+2</span></div></div> <p>Rocketboat Day promises a blend of backyard naval architecture and rocket science.</p> <p>Rocketboat Day 1 is to be a participatory event where people build little boats, power them with rocket engines and race them to see which one gets the furthest. The inaugural event will take place on a nice, calm bit of water somewhere in Brussels. Let's find out what happens when you attach a C6 model rocket engine to a boat made out of anything you can get your hands on. The cool breeze off the water will blow the sweet acrid smoke across your face like a lovers caress.</p> <p>If you would like to join us. send an email to <a href=""></a> for details</p> <p>Rocketboat Day is an evolution of the established tradition of Rocketcar Day. See the last one at <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>RBD1 is the concluding event of the Simpsons' Family in Residence (<a href="" title=""></a>) and a part of Resilients project (<a href="" title=""></a>).</p> event 1x brussels family in residence Resilients Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:31:06 +0000 maja 2003 at Resilients Family in Residence <p>FoAM's first Resilients family in residence are the Simpsons (Mark, Lea, Scarlet &amp; Delilah), occupying FoAM in Brussels for two weeks in June and July 2011.</p> <p>A resilient culture of the future could include children in the working lives of adults. For the duration of the residency, we look at how are FoAM’s daily activities influenced by the continuous presence of two little girls in the studio in Brussels.</p> <p>Their mother, Lea is investigating diverse cultural libraries around the world and will descend on FoAM’s library as well. With Lea's guidance, FoAM's library should become more resilient as well as more open and shareable. </p> <p>The pater familias, Mark Simpson, explores a possible post-space-age cultural mobility, where artists (as the societal lab-rats) could be transported in rocked-powered vehicles. We will begin by having the artists design prototype rocket boats &amp; unleash them on the Kanal in front of FoAM’s studio.</p> <p>The family will go out with a bang, concluding their residency with the Rocket Boat Day: <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>This residency is a part of the Resilients Project: <a href="" title=""></a></p> residency brussels family in residence Resilients Transgenerational Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:22:46 +0000 maja 2002 at