FoAM - field work en Middle Kingdom of Weeds festival <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-05-08 10:30 <span class="tz">GMT+2</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2011-05-08 12:00 <span class="tz">GMT+2</span></div></div> <p>Be part of mapping the energetic value of the Dutch urban landscape; how much energy does it take for semi-skilled contemporary foragers to gather wild foods and what energetic value is contained in nearby urban environments? On May 8th the Middle Kingdom of Weeds festival features a forage psychogeographic expedition that will starts at 10.30 from Station Sloterdijk, Amsterdam. Using .walk algorithms this foraging expedition will map and explore the caloric potential of the area.</p> <p>Team members include:<br /> - a geographer, who maps the edibles on Boskoi<br /> - a timekeeper, who maps the times spent walking and harvesting<br /> - spotters and harvesters</p> <p>On return the wild foods will be weighed to make a calculation of the energy harvested in the expedition.</p> <p>On the basis of this a map is made of the caloric value along the walk, the energy budget of the group and the best foraging algorithms.</p> <p>This expedition is open to all.</p> <p>Hosted by Wilfried Hou Je Bek (Cryptoforesty) and Theun Karelse (Boskoi).</p> field work amsterdam xmedk Feeding Greening Thu, 28 Apr 2011 14:45:27 +0000 theun 1991 at Fieldwork <p>Researchers at FoAM can opt to do a part of their studies in outside of the laboratory. We strongly encourage such field work, as it puts the research in a ‘real-world’ context, providing a broader social and cultural perspective for many fields of investigation. Field work can be conducted for various purposes – from collecting data, testing hypothesis and prototypes, to evaluating the impact, as well as connecting with potential partners and peers. Reporting from the field can assume different forms – from travelogues, to photo-essays and white papers. The field-workers tend to present their findings during monthly research gatherings as well. In most cases, the results of the field work are incorporated in the larger research projects, or they lead to altogether new projects, partnerships and initiatives.</p> field work Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:15:05 +0000 nik 1380 at