FoAM - future en Long Now Brussels meetup - March 02011 <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-03-23 19:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2011-03-23 21:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <p>The March Long Now Brussels meetup will take place Wednesday 23 March 02011 at 19:00 at FoAM Belgium. (Please note the scheduling change!)</p> <p>We'll be checking out Rachel Sussman's Long Now talk entitled ?The World's Oldest Living Organisms?. Rachel Sussman is a photographer whose works have been showcased throughout Europe and North America. (Perhaps you've seen some of her work already.) Her project has carried her around the world to document ancient lifeforms.</p> <p>In her 02010 talk at TED Global in Oxford she summarized her project thusly:</p> <p>"The project is part art and part science. There's an environmental component. And I'm also trying to create a means in which to step outside our quotidian experience of time and to start to consider a deeper timescale. I selected 2,000 years as my minimum age because I wanted to start at what we consider to be year zero and work back from there."</p> <p>For more background you can check out her portfolio<br /> <a href="" title=""></a>, her project blog<br /> <a href="" title=""></a>, or her TED talk<br /> <a href="" title=""></a>.</p> <p>This talk runs about 90 minutes so we will start the video promptly at 19:15. (Please try to be on time!) Also, as we provide refreshments, an RSVP (trey{@] is much appreciated. If you feel so inclined, grab some snacks or a drink to share with the group.</p> <p>If you know of anyone who would make a good guest speaker for a future meetup (or if you have a suggestion for a topic), please let me know!</p> event 1x brussels 10.000years future longnow Mon, 14 Mar 2011 09:07:52 +0000 christina 1981 at Long Now Brussels meetup - February 02011 <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-02-17 19:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <p>The February Long Now Brussels meetup will take place Thursday 17 February 02011 at 19:00 at FoAM Belgium.</p> <p>We live in an era of distant frontiers. The seas (spanning 71% of Earth's surface) might one day support permanent human settlements - but few take that distant possibility seriously. Recent exoplanet discoveries are tremendously exciting yet space remains, for all but the very few, almost unthinkable.</p> <p>The 10,000 Year Clock project <a href="" title=""></a> represents a major effort to create a sense of frontier in the time dimension. What role did frontier *space* play in driving social innovation historically? While we're all glued to this planet for the foreseeable future how might we open up frontier zones without reverting to discredited models of the past?</p> <p>We'll be looking at Paul Romer's 02009 talk, "A Theory of History, with an Application" in which he makes a case for the establishment of new charter cities. While his ideas are not without controversy he makes a compelling argument. Come see for yourself!</p> <p>In case you'd like more info about Paul's talk, you can read Stewart Brand's summary here<br /> <a href="" title=""></a>.<br /> I recommend this<br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> recent examination of Romer's idea by The Atlantic Monthly.</p> <p>This talk runs about 90 minutes so we will start the video promptly at 19:15. (Please try to be here on time, at 19:00, to settle in!) Also, as we provide refreshments, an RSVP <a href="" title=""></a> is much<br /> appreciated. If you feel so inclined, grab some snacks or a drink to share with the group.</p> <p>If you know of anyone who would make a good guest speaker for a future meetup (or if you have a suggestion for a topic), please let me know!</p> <p>FoAM is located at Koolmijnenkaai 30-34. (Detailed directions are available here <a href="" title=""></a>.) Basically, it's a 2-3 minute walk from the Comte de Flandre metro stop. Walk toward the canal. (Koolmijnenkaai runs parallel to the canal.) Take a left. FoAM is about halfway down the block on the left side of Koolmijnenkaai, in a courtyard. It's up on level 4. If you have any trouble finding the place ring me on my mobile and I'll help: +32/494.766.080. I highly recommend that you take public transit if you can. In addition to it being more sustainable it's *super* convenient to FoAM.</p> <p>Hope to see you there!</p> <p>Cheers,<br /> - --Trey</p> <p>Trey Darley (trey[at]treyka[dot]net) from Long Now Brussels <a href="" title=""></a>.<br /> To learn more about Trey Darley, visit his/her member profile <a href="" title=""></a></p> <p>Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support[at]meetup[dot]com</p> event 1x brussels future Long Now Tue, 08 Feb 2011 14:26:08 +0000 christina 1973 at Long Now Brussels meetup - January 02011 <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2011-01-13 19:30 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2011-01-13 22:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Brussels</span></div></div> <p>The January Long Now Brussels meetup will take place Thursday 13 January 02011 at 19:00 at FoAM Belgium.</p> <p>We'll be watching Jesse Schell's talk on the gamification of society, entitled "Visions of the Gamepocalypse". This is one of the most thought-provoking and entertaining talks I've encountered in the SALT series. Whether you're a hard-core gamer or crypto-Luddite bookworm, this talk is sure to make you think about the direction we're heading.</p> <p>This talk runs 90 minutes so we will start the video promptly at 19:15. (Please try to be on time!) Also, as we provide refreshments, an RSVP is much appreciated. If you feel so inclined, grab some snacks or a drink to share with the group.</p> <p>In case you'd like more info about Jesse's talk, you can read Stewart Brand's summary here.</p> <p>If you know of anyone who would make a good guest speaker for a future meetup (or if you have a suggestion for a topic), please let me know!</p> <p>Hope to see you there!</p> <p>Cheers,<br /> --Trey</p> <p>to sign up please send an email to trey[@] or bxl[@] </p> <p>Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support[@]</p> event 1x brussels future Long Now Fri, 07 Jan 2011 19:42:40 +0000 christina 1964 at Launch of Culture|Futures <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2009-12-07 13:00 <span class="tz">Europe/Copenhagen</span></div></div> <div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2009-12-07 19:30 <span class="tz">Europe/Copenhagen</span></div></div> <p>"Culture|Futures creates an enabling environment for those cultural actors who are moved to express their perspectives about creating an Ecological Age, by recognising, encouraging and supporting them.</p> <p>The Culture|Futures expanding spiral of engagement begins its journey at the launch symposium on 7th December. Participants are invited to explore the Culture|Futures proposition and to grow the spiral of engagement supporting the COP climate change negotiations.</p> <p>At the working seminar on the following two days, 8th/9th December, cultural actors from many backgrounds and from around the world, will address the strategic role of culture in delivering an Ecological Age. Participants will collaborate to develop and crystallise the cultural messages about how the spiral of engagement will expand and involve ever more people."</p> <p><a href="" title=""></a></p> event brussels luminous green 2050 climate chaos culture future Greening luminous Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:28:28 +0000 nik 1872 at